Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

Pengenalan Pembelajaran Literatur Mario Klarer

                                                Pengenalan Pembelajaran Literatur
Mario Klarer

           Diantara beberapa cara mengklasifikasikan literatur menjadi beberapa bagian, epik, drama,   dan  puisi telah menjadi pembagian umum di literatur modern. Karena epik telah menjadi bentuk prosa baru di abad ke-18, klasifikasi sekarang lebih memilih menggunakan fiksi, drama, dan puisi sebagai 3 jenis utama dalam literatur. 

1.    Fiksi

Meskipun pada abad 18 novel adalah bagian penting di prosa fiksi tetapi itu semua  kembali kepada teks lama pada sejarah literatur. Biasanya tradisional epik menceritakan tentang seorang pahlawan yang harus memenuhi beberapa tugasnya. Perbedaan epik dan fiksi adalah melalui ceritanya, karakter, sifatnya, dan susunan plot. Meskipun tradisional epik di tulis dalam bait tetapi mereka berbeda dari puisi yaitu dari strukturnya, karakter, dan plot nya. Pada pertengahan tahun, romansa menjadi sebuah genre yang berdiri sendiri. Romansa sebelum adanya novel merupakan bentuk awal dari novel yang aksinya lebih di padatkan, sementara pada epik aksinya lebih luas. Pada romansa tokoh protagonist lebih digambarkan detail, sedangkan pada epik tokohnya hanya sebagai representasi heroik. Sifat karakter yang diceritakan di romansa lebih kepada sifat manusia sementara sifat di epik lebih kepada sifat-sifat kepahlawanan. Kemudian perbedaan lainnya yaitu struktur plot di romansa bersifat linear sementara struktur di epik lebih kepada masalah nasional.

Pada abad ke 18 fiksi menjadi jenis dominan dikarenakan romansa memfokuskan kepada individu dan realita sosial, selain itu karena bermunculannya kelas menengah yang berpendidikan, percetakan, dan perubahan ekonomi. Dalam buku ini juga menjelaskan  beberapa jenis novel yaitu:

1.      Picaresque Novel
2.      Bildungsroman Novel
3.      Epistolary Novel
4.      Historical Novel
5.      New Journalism
6.      Satirical Novel
7.      Utopian Novel
8.      Gothik Novel
9.      Detektif Novel

Elemen-elemen penting yang terdapat pada fiksi adalah:

1.      Plot adalah rangkaian peristiwa yang mengarah pada perubahan situasi.
2.      Karakter terbagi menjadi dua yaitu flat character and round character. Selain itu juga ada typified character and individualzed character. Terdapat dua macam mode persentasi yaitu explanatory method and dramatic method.
3.      Sudut pandang atau point of view adalah cara dimana sebuah teks memperkenalkan orang, peristiwa dan settingnya. Menurut buku ini terdapat tiga jenis point of view yaitu Omniscient point of view, first person narration, and figural narrative situation.
Terdapat dua tekhnik narasi yaitu stream of consciousness technique and changing narrative perspective.
4.      Kata setting merupakan sebuah lokasi, periode sejarah, dan lingkungan sosial sesuai yang ada diteks.
                                                               2.    Puisi
Puisi adalah salah satu jenis literatur yang paling tua. Disini terbagi menjadi dua jenis puisi yaitu puisi narasi dan puisi lirik. Terdapat elemen-elemen puisi yaitu:
a)      Lexical-thematic dimension
Diction, rhetorical figures, theme.
b)     Visual dimension
Stanzas, concrete poetry.
c)      Rhytmic-acoustic dimension
     Rhyme and meter, onomatopoeia.
a)      Lexical-thematic dimension
Puisi mencoba untuk melihat tema didalam bahasa yang nyata dari penggambaran. Gambar dan objek yang nyata sering menyajikan simbol. Sementara simile adalah perbandingan antara dua hal yang berbeda yang menggunakan kata sambungan seperti like, than, as atau compare.

                                                            b)  Visual dimension
Imagery di tradisional puisi merubah objek menjadi bahasa, puisi yang nyata memakai visual art dan visual appearance.

                 c)      Rhytmic-acoustic dimension
Meter dan rhyme adalah hal yang dominan di analisis puisi, karena mereka dengan mudah dapat diukur. Element terkecil dari meter adalah  syllables, yang mana bisa terdapat  penekanan atau tidak adanya penekanan pembacaan didalamnya. Rhyme menambahkan dimensi suara dan ritme di puisi. Terdapat tiga jenis rhyme yaitu internal rhymes end rhyme, eye rhymes

                                                             3.    Drama
Kata drama di ambil dari Yunani yaitu “draein” (“to do,” “to act”). Terdapat tiga element dari drama yaitu: 

                                                              a)      text
 Dialog (komunikasi antara dua atau lebih karakter) dan monolog (soliloquy). Selain itu didalam teks drama terdapat aside yakni bentuk komunikasi di pentas yang mana si aktor menyampaikan informasi melalui penonton tanpa diketahui pemain lain yang berada di atas pentas.

b)     Transformation
Transformation, adalah bagian penting dari memproduksi drama di abad 20, yang mengacu pada hubungan teks dan penampilan.

                                                              c)      Performance
Yang ketiga adalah the performance, mengenai sang aktor yang menyampaikan kombinasi maksud dari penulis dan direktur. Terdapat dua pendekatan teori untuk modern akting: the external or technical method and the internal or realistic method.

Analysis Limitless Film Using Deconstruction Theory

                          Analysis Limitless Film Using Deconstruction Theory

            Deconstruction is a strategy of reading starts from “a philosophical hierarchy in which two opposed terms are presented as the ‘superior’ general case and the ‘inferior’ special case (Robert Can Davis and Roland Scheifer, 1989). It means deconstruction work through the identification of binary opposition. In this paper I would like to analyze the Limitless Film using deconstruction theory. The Limitless film release in 2011 directed by Neil Burger. The film is an action thriller about the writer who takes an experimental drug which is the drug can make him use 100 percent of his brain. I found two binary opposition from watching this movie. First, the limit and the limitless and second cleverness and money. First, I will analyze this movie by explaining the construction meaning of the binary opposition through the story of film. Second, I will explain the deconstruction meaning of the binary opposition.
The film begin when the writer, Eddie Morra is in the middle of effort to make a book, but suddenly his girlfriend, Linda wants to break up with him. That event makes him belief that he has no future anymore. Then he meets Vernon, his ex-brother in law gives him the experimental drug called NZT pil that makes him can use one hundred percent of his brain. Here is the quotation:

00:09:35,324 --> 00:09:36,366
    Eddie: What's in it?

00:09:37,076 --> 00:09:39,286
   Vernon: They've identified these
 receptors in the brain

00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:42,163
Vernon: that activate specific circuits.

00:09:42,248 --> 00:09:45,917
                                        Vernon: And you how they say that
              we can only access 20 percent
                  of our brain?

00:09:46,585 --> 00:09:51,089
   Vernon: Well, what this does... it
                lets you access all of it. 

In the beginning, he doesn’t believe the pil until he drinks it and feels the effect of the pil. When he meets his fussy landlord’s wife, Valerie who always ask him the rent money and grumble at him, in the same time Eddie feels the effect of the pil. The pil increasing his brain capability. His mind suddenly recognise that she has no intentions to grumble at him. He knows it from the law book that she bring. He knows what the book it is from his youth memory. His unconcious memory show it to him. When he ask is she has any problem in her life, she says that she is in the middle of doing task from his college, then the new Eddie finally help her. After that, Eddie try to start write the book for his boss and miraculously he capable to make some the content of the book in one night. His boss likes the story that he makes and wants him to finish it.
The effect of the pil only endure one day. Because of it, Eddie comes into Vernon’s apartement to get some of the pil. Unfortunately, when Eddie buy some breakfast for him and walking toward the Vernon’s apartement, Vernon has murdered. Then Eddie calls the Police to come. Before the police coming into Vernon’s apartement, Eddie search the pil and found one bags of the pil with a large amount of money then he hide it from the police.
Eddie use the pil everyday. Only a few weeks, he can learn many languages, piano,  earn some money from gambling, and gets new friends from high class. Furthermore the money that he gets from Vernon is usefull for him to finish the book in four days and he involves stocks market. Eddie isn’t satisfied enough with the amount of money that he gets, so he lends US$ 100,000 to dangerous criminal, Gennady to increase his own fortune in stock firm. He success and makes attention to the world. Then Van Loon, powerful investor, takes Eddie to work with his company. Eddie’s life is better than before its all because the pill, he gets a job and his girlfriends, Linda comes back to him. However one day when he takes too much pil, he becomes sick. Melissa, his ex-wife tells him to decrease drinks the pil otherwise he will die.  
­­­­­            When Eddie, wants to drink the pil, suddenly, Gennady comes to ask Eddie’s debt. Gennady see the pil in the Eddie’s hand and drinks the pil. Eddie can not do anything and give him the money. Eddie unable to walk home to get pil, so he comes to Linda’s office. Eddie tells everything about the pil and asks Linda to get his pil. When Linda gets the pil and goes back to her office, she is being follow by the stranger man. She by force takes the pil to runaway from the stranger. Finally, she escapes from the man and gives the pil to Eddie. That is Edie’s life now, Eddie is chased by stranger, threatened by Gennady who wants the pil more and being a murder suspect of woman that he meets in the club. However, this film end happily. Eddie becomes a senator, and because of consumption of the pil he has ability to predict what happens in the next few minutes and the future. Besides with his cleverness, Ediie find the ways to engineer the pil and live happily with Linda.
            After knowing the story of the film, first we see that the film shows the limit and the limitless of something. According this film the limit is about the cleverness and the way to reach the limitless in the cleverness the people needs a pil. If people have a limitless in cleverness, people can gets everything that people want. Here is the quotation:
00:27:33,485 --> 00:27:34,943
    Eddie: A tablet a day

00:27:35,028 --> 00:27:37,446
    Eddie: and what I could do with
        my day was limitless.

00:27:38,615 --> 00:27:40,908
     Eddie: I learned to play the
         piano in three days.

00:27:52,754 --> 00:27:55,714
     Eddie: Even half-listening to any
                 language, I became fluent.

We see from the quotation above that Eddie can lean something faster using his cleverness from the effect of the pil. Moreover in deconstruction, the opposition divided into two superior and inferior. So we can conclude that the limitless is ‘superior’ and the limit is ‘inferior’, because the limitless dominate the limit.
Second, we see that the film also show the other binary opposition about cleverness and money. We know the cleverness as the powerful needed described in the film through the NZT pil. Meanwhile money described as the secondary needed or as the minor in the film. We know, the pil can increase the cleverness of someone who drinks it, and with the cleverness that someone has, there is no limitation, everything imposible to reach. We see the major character’s life has been changed because of the pil. He can be a better and successful person. Everything he wants, easily he gets using his cleverness. He gets money, job, and women. 
            However, if we take a look of this binary opposition carefully, there is unstable meaning in here. This is how deconstruction theory work, to seek the problem in a meaning which means that it is possible that there is unstable meaning in the binary opposition. In deconstruction, ‘inferior’ as the supplement can occur if there is a lack in ‘superior’. It means the ‘inferior’ exist with the purpose to fill a lack in ‘superior’. Deconstruction not means to make ‘inferior’ take a place the ‘superior’. Deconstruction just wants to show that there is unstable meaning in ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’.
            In this film, The limitless as the ‘superior’ can be unstable meaning because the limitless can occur if there is a limit or restrictiveness. If in this world, there is no such a limit, so the limitless isn’t exist. Then the second binary opoosition the cleverness as the ‘superior’ is not a stable meaning too. In order to get the cleverness through the NZT pil, every people who wants it must buy with a high cost. Here is the quotation:
00:10:24,248 --> 00:10:25,665
           Eddie: I don't want it.

00:10:26,250 --> 00:10:28,960
     Vernon: Don't be ungrateful. You
         know how much that costs?

00:10:29,045 --> 00:10:31,671
Vernon: Eight hundred bucks. A pop.

The quotation shows when Vernon tells Eddie the price of one NZT pil. We know that money as ‘inferior’ also has an important role in order to get the pil to create the amazing cleverness. Without a large amount of money, people can not get the pil.
            In conclusion, the two binary opposition that I find are first between the limitless and the limit, second between cleverness and money. After applying the deconstruction theory in the two binary opposition can be seen that there is unstable meaning in the two of them. The ‘inferior’ have a great role too but it doesn’t mean to take a place the ‘superior’.


Book Review and Synopsis Romeo and Juliet

Book Review

Title                                            : Romeo And Juliet                         
Author                                        : William Shakespeare
Edited by                                   : George Sampson
Number of Page                         : 238 page
Number of Smallroom    : viii
Size                                            : 17 x 11 cm
Price                                           : None
ISBN                                          : None
First Edition                              : 1936
Act                                             : 1 Act (V Scene)
                                                     2 Act  (V Scene)
                                                     3 Act  (V Scene)
                                                     4 Act  (V Scene)
                                                     5 Act  (III Scene)                                    
Published By                              : The Syndics of The Cambridge University Press
Printed in                                   : Great Britain at The University Press, Cambridge
Romeo and Juliet is an excelent introduction to tragedy because, as befits a tale of calamity in which youth perishes trough the stupidities of the old, it is swift, simple, complete and lovely. My personal opinion of this play was not as enthusiastic as it could have been. I think the personalities just weren`t interesting. In most books I can put myself in the characters` places, and really see what they`re thinking. But here, I found that I didn`t particularly care what they were thinking. Don`t get me wrong, I agree that this is a classic of English literature, but I think I liked it more for its storyline than for its characters. If we read the book, we will be shocked and moved by the faithful love between Romeo and Juliet, especially the everlasting spirit of humanism in them, as well as the artistic charm of spoken and written languages. That kind of humanistic spirit filling the Romeo and Juliet is what many works lack or don't have, which shows the high degree of thinking of this work. Humanism is a value of life, thinking and values and a lofty spiritual realm. It is worthy of following and practicing no matter when and what happened for its everlasting. Romeo and Juliet's pursuit of humanistic spirit shows more their dignity and values as human beings, which is why this play can touch human hearts. I will recommend this book to the others especially for younger readers who will study about Shakespeare play.

The Synopsis
The play, set in Verona, begins with a street brawl between Montague and Capulet supporters who are sworn enemies. The Prince of Verona intervenes and declares that further breach of the peace will be punishable by death. Later, Count Paris talks to Capulet about marrying his daughter, but Capulet is wary of the request because Juliet is only thirteen. Capulet asks Paris to wait another two years and invites him to attend a planned Capulet ball. Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse try to persuade Juliet to accept Paris's courtship.
Meanwhile, Benvolio talks with his cousin Romeo, Montague's son, about Romeo's recent depression. Benvolio discovers that it stems from unrequited infatuation for a girl named Rosaline, one of Capulet's nieces. Persuaded by Benvolio and Mercutio, Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline. However, Romeo instead meets and falls in love with Juliet. After the ball, in what is now called the "balcony scene", Romeo sneaks into the Capulet orchard and overhears Juliet at her window vowing her love to him in spite of her family's hatred of the Montagues. Romeo makes himself known to her and they agree to be married. With the help of Friar Laurence, who hopes to reconcile the two families through their children's union, they are secretly married the next day.
Juliet's cousin Tybalt, incensed that Romeo had sneaked into the Capulet ball, challenges him to a duel. Romeo, now considering Tybalt his kinsman, refuses to fight. Mercutio is offended by Tybalt's insolence, as well as Romeo's "vile submission," and accepts the duel on Romeo's behalf. Mercutio is fatally wounded when Romeo attempts to break up the fight. Grief-stricken and wracked with guilt, Romeo confronts and slays Tybalt.
Montague argues that Romeo has justly executed Tybalt for the murder of Mercutio. The Prince, now having lost a kinsman in the warring families' feud, exiles Romeo from Verona and declares that if Romeo returns, "that hour is his last." Romeo secretly spends the night in Juliet's chamber, where they consummate their marriage. Capulet, misinterpreting Juliet's grief, agrees to marry her to Count Paris and threatens to disown her when she refuses to become Paris's "joyful bride." When she then pleads for the marriage to be delayed, her mother rejects her.
Juliet visits Friar Laurence for help, and he offers her a drug that will put her into a death-like coma for "two and forty hours." The Friar promises to send a messenger to inform Romeo of the plan, so that he can rejoin her when she awakens. On the night before the wedding, she takes the drug and, when discovered apparently dead, she is laid in the family crypt.
The messenger, however, does not reach Romeo and, instead, Romeo learns of Juliet's apparent death from his servant Balthasar. Heartbroken, Romeo buys poison from an apothecary and goes to the Capulet crypt. He encounters Paris who has come to mourn Juliet privately. Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts him and, in the ensuing battle, Romeo kills Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, he drinks the poison. Juliet then awakens and, finding Romeo dead, stabs herself with his dagger. The feuding families and the Prince meet at the tomb to find all three dead. Friar Laurence recounts the story of the two "star-cross'd lovers". The play ends with the families are reconciled by their children's deaths and agree to end their violent feud.