Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

The Elements Analysis of The Lady, or the Tiger?


“Plot is the arrangement of events that make up a story.”[1] Usually in plot there are some conflict such as internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict is the main character has a conflict with himself or herself. The external conflict can occur between the main character with the other character, society, nature. The author has some technique in story telling there are flashback, foreshadowing, suspense, and coincidence.

“Character in fiction can be conveniently classified as major and minor, static and dynamic.”[2]
“Characterization is the means by which writers present and reveal character.”[3] It is divided into two that is direct characterization and indirect characterization.
 “In direct characterization, the narrator or a character summarizes or tells the reader what another character looks like or what kind of person he or she is.”[4]
 “In indirect characterization, narrators and characters describe, without comment, a character’s appearance or dress.”[5]

“Setting that is the time and the place of the tale.”[6] Setting can be divided into three aspects that is setting in general, specific, or very detailed.

“The point of view is the vantage point from which the author tells a story.”[7]
“Similarly, tone in writting is the author’s attitude toward the character, the topic, or the readers, as expressed by the narrator, and it may come accros in a number of ways.”[8]
5. LANGUAGE AND STYLE                                                                                     
One of the more difficult literary terms to define precisely is style, a writer’s characteristic way of saying things.”[9]Diction refers to a writer’s choice of words.”[10] The diction may be describe as general or specific, formal or in formal, abstract or concrete, common, jargon, Latin-based or Anglo-Saxon words. In the short story usually there is an imagery and symbol that writer use to support the story. “Most reader think that imagery refers solely to visual pictures, but in literature, where it may be called sensory imagery, the term extends to all senses-sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.”[11] “In broad terms, a symbol is anything that signifies, or stands for something else. In literature, a symbol is anything concrete-an object, place, a character, an action-that stands for or suggests something abstract.”[12] Besides that there is figurative language such as simile and metaphor.

“Theme is an author’s insight or general observation about human nature or the human condition that is conveyed through characters, plot, and imagery.”[13]

7. IRONY                                                                                                                                      
“Irony is not much an element of fiction as a pervasive quality in it. It may appear in fiction (and in other literary genres as well) in three ways: In a work’s language, in its incident, or in its point of view. But in whatever forms it emerges, irony always involves a contrast or discrepancy between one thing and another. The contrast may be between what is said and what is meant or between what happens and what is expected to happen. In verbal irony, for example, we say the opposite of what we mean.”[14] “Besides verbal irony-in which we understand the opposite of what a speaker says-fiction makes use of irony of circumstance (sometimes called irony of situation).”[15]


1. Plot

The story begins by introducing the semi-barbaric king as the major character.
                 In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king... (P.58)

Moreover he had a method to punish an accused person and he has built an arena inside the amphitheater as a place for doing punishment of the accused person.        
             This vast amphitheater, with its encircling galleries, its mysterious vaults and its unseen    
               passages, was  an agent of poetic justice on which crime was punished ... (P.58)

The king will punish the accused person in the king’s arena by giving him the choices to open one of the two door in front of him. He can open either door that he likes. If the accused person open one of the door, there came out the hungry tiger, the fiercest animal which directly attack and kill him. If he open the other door, there came out the lady who was selected for him and he will be married with her. Then a priest, followed by a band of choristers and dancing maidens will support the wedding of the accused person. That is the method of the king in order to manage the justice.

Raising action
The raising action happens when the daughter of the king had a love affair with one of the courtier in the kingdom.     
             Among his courtiers was a young man of  that fineness of blood and romance who love royal         
               maidens. (P.60)

The princess love him back and feel contented because he is a brave and handsome man in the kingdom. Then the love affair continue happily for many months.

The climax occur when the love affair between the princess and the young man discovered by the king. Without any hesitate the king put him in the jail.This immediately make the young man to do the trial in the king’s arena. This case like this is never happen before in the kingdom. Never before there is a courtier who love the princess, the daughter of the king. The fiercest tiger has been choosen for the young man and the competent judge has been surveyed the youth maiden in case if the good fate is side with him. The king will not be interfere with the tribunal. The king as the watcher will be enjoy the event itself.                                            

... the king would take and aesthetic pleasure in watching the course of events ... (P.61)

Falling Action
The falling action happens when the tribunal for the young man has came. The people gathered in galleries of the arena to watch the tribunal of the young man. The young man come to the king’s arena and prepare to face his fate. This is the quotation :      
            A door beneath the royal party opened, and the lover of the princess walked into the arena
                 (P. 62)

Then he bowed to the king, but only the princess who is sitting beside her father that he stares. The princess actually know which the door is contain the tiger and which the door waited the lady behind it. Besides, she knew that the lady is the beautiful damsels who had been selected. The princess hated the lady because she can’t imagine if the lady will marry her lover. However she can’t also let her lover killed by the fiercest tiger.

 The story end when the princess finally decided to pointed the right door for her lover.    

             She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. (P.63)

It makes the watcher are startled, they focused on the movement of the young man. Then without hesitation the young man forward to the right door and open it. Moreover the reader didn’t know who will come out from the right door. The author leave the resolution of the story to the reader, the decision is in the reader’s hand. The story is obviously an open plot. There are conflicts that occur in the story. The first is external conflict which happens between the princess and the king. The love affair which occur between the princess and the young man have been revealed, immediately the king put him into the jail as we see in quotation below:

             He did not hesitate nor waver in regard to his duty in the premises. The youth was immediately   
               cast into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king’s arena. (Pp.60-61)

Then we know that the young man will be faced the punishment of the king in the king’s arena. Because of that the princess tries to help her lover by giving the direction which door that he should open. The princess know which the door  is stood the lady and which the door is the tiger. Moreover the princess had to think it carefully because her lover life is in her hands. It make another conflict happens that is the internal conflict as we see in the quotation :

            How often in her waking hours and in her dreams, had she started in wild horror, and     covered her face with her hands as she thought of her lover opening the door on the other        side of which waited the cruel fangs of the tiger. But how much oftener had she seen him at the      other door! How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair when she   saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady! (P. 64)

From the quotation, we know that the princess has a conflict with herself. She confuse to make a decision.

The technique of storytelling that the author uses in this short story is foreshadowing.  The reason is the author tells the story in the beginning to the end, there is no flashback event. The quotation is:    
           This love affair moved on happily for many months, until one day the king happened to           
           discover its existence. (P.60)

From the quotation, we can know that the event show a movement we see it from the time many months until one day. Besides it make the reader prepare to something that will happen later in the story.

2. The Character

The Princess is a major and the protagonist and dynamic character. She dominates from the middle until the end of the story. We know that she make the reader pay attention to her and feeling sympathy about her because she has a difficult decision about choosing the door in order to help her lover. This is the quotation:                                         

            Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made after days and nights of          
            anguished deliberation. She had known she would be asked, she had decided what she would        
           answer, and, without the slightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the right. (P.64)

From the quotation, we know that the princess had been thinking before, which is the door that she will be choose. Besides the author describes the princess with direct characterization, this is the quotation:     
             She hated the women who blushed and trembled behind the silent door. (P.63)

It shows that the princess has been jealous and hated the lady who stands behind the door.

The King is a major and an antagonist character that has a conflict with his daughter as a protagonist character. He dominates from the beginning until the middle of the story. The king is a semi-barbaric who has an unusual idea about punishing the crime man by choosing one of the two doors in the king’s arena. Even tough he is a major character, he is a static character. There is no change in his attitude from the beginning until the end of the story. The author describes the king with direct characterization, this is the quotation:                                                                                                                                               
             He was a man of exuberant fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at his will, 
               he turned his varied fancies into facts. (P.58) 

 From the quotation, we know that the king has a characterization that man with a great will who will be realizing what he wanted.

The young man or the princess lover is the minor character that has a purpose to support the major character. He has a static character because there is no significance change in his attitude. He is a handsome young man who works as a courtier in the kingdom that princess loves. The author describes the young man with direct characterization, this is the quotation:        
                Tall, beautiful, fair, his appearance was greeted with a low hum of admiration and anxiety. (P.61)

 From the quotation, we know that the young man has a good appearance and when he hums it shows that he is nervous at that time because he has to face the trial.                                 

The Lady is a minor and static character. She is a woman who stays behind the door as a reward for the crime person. There is no change in his attitude and the author describes the lady with direct characterization, this is the quotation:  
                                It was one of the fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court … (P.62)                                        

A priest, a band of choristers, dancing maidens, a hired mourners are minor and static characters. They show no development in this story. These are the quotation:      
         Another door opened beneath the king, and a priest, followed by a band choristers and dancing  maidens 
        blowing  joyous airs … (P.59)                                                                                                         
       … great wails went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer rim of the arena … (p.59)

The people are the minor and static character as audience who watch the tribunal. They also as witnesses of the young man’s tribunal. This is the quotation:
               When the people gathered together on one of the great trial days they never knew whether              
              they were to witness a bloody slaughter or a hilarious wedding. (P.60)

3. The Setting

 The setting of the place is in a kingdom, in the very olden time, in the amphitheater, in the king’s arena, and in the prison. Here are some evidences:     
            The accused person would be decided in the king’s arena… (P.58)                                                         
             The youth was immediately cast into prison ... (P.61)                                                                                  

The setting of the time in this short story are, in after years, many months, night or day. These are the quotation:       
                This love affair moved on happily for many months ... (P. 60)                                                                
                In after-years such things became commonplace enough; ... (P.61)           

4. The Point of view and Tone
The point of view that the author use in the short story of The Lady, or the Tiger? is the third person and limited point of view. We can easily know the story use third person point of view because the author use pronounce “he, she, it, or they” in the story. This is the quotation:
  He was greatly given to self-communing; and, when he and himself agreed upon anything, the thing was done. (P. 58)

Then the author use omniscient point of view because the author know everything about the character as in the quotation below:
        … that she knew behind which door crouched the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. He had               
           expected her to know it. He understood her nature, and his soul was assured that she would
          never rest until she    had made plain to herself this thing … (P.63)

From the quotation above we know that the author makes us aware about multiple perspectives. In doing that the author shifts our sympathies from one character to another so we can understand what the different needs and desire between them.
We know the tone of the story from the narrator direct comment. This is the quotation:
            How often in her waking hours and in her dreams, had she started in wild horror, and  covered her face with  her hands as she thought of her lover opening the door on the other side of which waited the cruel fangs of the tiger. But how much oftener had she seen him at the other door! How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair when she   saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady! (P. 64)

This tone shows ironic. The princess confused about her decision, both of the two doors can’t solve her problem. The other tone as we see in the quotation :

                …doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners… (P.59)

It shows the ironic tone that there is hired mourners in the king’s arena who will grief to the accused person. This idea to hire the mourner is ironic, because the hire mourner doesn’t feel the sad feeling to the accused person. They have no connection feeling to him.

5. Language and Style

The author uses old English and formal language in the story. In diction we can find the author’s word choice is when the audience feeling sad from what they see in the king’s arena. The writer finds another word to describe the sadness of the audience. This is the quotation:
          … and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts, wended slowly their   homeward way, 
           mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should  have merited so dire a fate. (P.59)

Then when the princess thinking with pain for making a decision, the writer finds another word to describe it. This is the quotation:  

        Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made after days and nights of       
           anguished deliberation. (P.64)    

We can find some imagery in the short story The Lady, or the Tiger?, there is imagery of hearing, this is the quotation:

             … doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners … (P. 59)

The doleful iron bells and great wails is imagery of hearing. Besides there is imagery of sight, This is the quotation:

             … and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts … (P.59)

The bowed head is the imagery of sight in this short story. Then there is also a metaphor in this story as we see in the quotation below:

             she was the apple of his eye, and was loved by him above all humanity.(P. 60)

It means the princess is compare with an apple, it shows that the princess is adorable and the king as her father loves her very much.
There is some symbol in the short story The Lady, or the Tiger?. The Tiger is the symbol of the brutality, powerful, and death. This is quotation:

               If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most  cruel that could   
                be procured, which immediately sprang upon him, and tore  him into pieces, as punishment        
               for his guilt. (P.59)

The other symbol is the lady. The lady is symbolizes a happiness. This is the quotation:
               But, if the accused person opened the other door, there came for it  a lady, the most suitable to
                  his year … (P. 59)

The king’s arena is also the symbol. It is symbolizes the king’s semi barbarism character. This is quotation:

              Among the borrowed notions by which his barbarism had become semified was that of the
                public arena, in which, by exhibitions of manly and beastly valor, the minds of his subjects 
               were refined and cultured. (P.58)

6. Theme

The theme of the short story of The Lady, or the Tiger? It is about the choices of the life. We know from the story that every accused man, even the princess had to choose in
order to continue their life. They had to choose a door that they like and accept what is stood behind the door. It is same with the real life that is in this life there are many choices which we can choose. However we must be careful to choose it because it impact our future.

7. Irony

In the short story The Lady, or the Tiger, there are some irony. The irony is use to make the reader interested to see what ends up happened as we see in the quotation below:

            … for did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands? (P.62)

The quotation above include the verbal irony. According to the fact the reader may be think it is true. We know that the accused person indeed given a freedom to choose or open either door. It means the accused person can choose his own path. Then for the conclusion, he has the matter on his own hands.                                                                  
However even tough he has given the choice, it doesn’t depend on what has he done in his life and also it doesn’t depend on the crime that he has done. He can’t know what is hidden behind every door,  he just know that behind the door there is Lady and the other there is the tiger. He might not be in this situation if he has an alternative or other choice. However the king who made the rule force the accused person to do a punishment with this way. Perhaps if the king doesn’t use this method, the accused will choose to be released. The other is irony of situation. This is the quotation :
                   ... not as if the decision of the question depended upon yourself, but upon that hot-blooded,       
                 semi barbaric princess, her soul at a white heat beneath the combined fires of despair and  
                 jealously. She had lost him, but who should have him? (P.63)

We can see from the author direct comment that the princess is ironically had to choose the door for saving her lover. She had already lose her lover so now she feel confuse which door that she will choose. She feel despair about the tiger behind one of the door and jealous with the lady in the other door.


            In this conclusion, I can conclude that this paper consist of introduction that explain about the focuses in making this paper. The theoretical concept based on two sources, from Robert DiYanni and Jane bachman Gordon book.The last is The elements of the story are plot, character and characterization, setting, point of view and tone, style, theme, and Irony. In the plot I have found the exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and resolution. There is two conflict, external and internal conflict that the major  character has to face it. The technique of the storytelling using foreshadowing. I have found there are two major characters and seven minor characters. Then in the short story of The Lady, or the Tiger?  I have found the setting of place and the time. In point of view I found that the author is the third person and omniscient point of view. There are also several tone that the author show in this short story. I have found a lots of diction imagery and  symbol. Moreover there is metaphore in it. Then I have decided that the theme of the short story is about the choices of the life. The last is irony. I have found two irony, irony of verbal and situation


DiYanni Robert. Literature:Approaches to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. New York : Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc, 2006

Gordon Jane Bachman and Karen Kuehner. Fiction:The Elements of the Short Story. Columbus : Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc, 1999

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